Marketing Resources

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  • Is this the end of the social contract?

    February 5, 2024

    4 min

    The title should be "Are we witnessing the decline of the social contract?". The concept of the...

  • What makes a great leader according to AI?

    November 12, 2023

    3 min

    I have probably close to a thousand books on business, and maybe hundreds on leadership. Almost always,...

  • Crafting Your Professional Narrative: A Guide to Personal Branding for Technical Professionals

    November 7, 2023

    4 min

    The Imperative of Personal Branding In the professional services sector, crafting a distinctive personal brand is more...

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  • Bravery and Data-Driven Creativity: How AI and Humans Unite for Success

    August 21, 2023

    4 min

    In an era where data rules and technology continuously advances, the worlds of creativity and analytics are...

  • Bravery and Data Driven Creativity

    March 20, 2022

    4 min

    Some data you may already be aware of. For instance this old snippet: "Up to 97% of...

  • Data Driven Creativity

    March 20, 2022

    2 min

    Data: Businesses that have successfully integrated creativity and analytics have grown twice as fast than those that haven’t....

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